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Can't find the parameter to change some colors

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Home Support Multipurpose Corporate Pro Theme Can't find the parameter to change some colors

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  • #1382

    I’m on a fresh install of the theme, with the demo content loaded, to adapt the branding to my color scheme. However I can’t find the correct parameter to properly override a few components (they stay #01c9ef). Notably :
    – Some borders and hover (for instance the “Get a quote” button”, the left and right button in the carousel, the blocks below the carousel etc.)
    – the newsletter box
    – the drop shadow on the picture in the “Moving towards your business goals…”
    – The hover on the counters

    The address is if you wan’t to check for yourself.

    Do you know which parameter(s) I should change to adapt these elements to my branding ?

    Best regards,

    Shop Manager


    As per your request, we need to review your theme and need your login detail.

    Make a user for us assign administrator role and send us the username and password along with the Site URL at


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