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Home Support Multipurpose Corporate Pro Theme Customize theme

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  • #12199
    Leidy Betancourt

    I am working on my webpage using multipurpose corporate pro theme, but I can’t find some text and features to custom them. For example, in the features section, by default appears “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet……” I would like to change this text for our corporate text, where I can replace it? Also in
    About section we find the subtitles “ Lorem ipsum has been the industry’s”, but I couldn’t find where change it. Those were 2 examples, but we have the same issue with other sections. Please, could you give us support about this?

    Shop Manager


    Thanks for contacting us.

    If you want we can review the issue, make a user for us assign administrator role and send us the username and password along with the URL to

    Many Thanks

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