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Home › Support › Hotel Resort › Not seeing the demo site after installing the hotel resort pro
Joust bought the hotel resort pro theme. I installed it but I could not see the sample site. I want to see the complete site that I saw in the demo.
As per your request, we are giving you some easy steps to setup the same homepage.
Here is some theme setup procedure listed as follows.
You got the premium theme download links on your order confirmation mail which contains the following zip files:
1. hotel-resort-pro theme 2. hotel-resort-pro-child theme 3. Gallery Images Banner 4. Title Banner Images 5. hotel-resort-pro-posttype
If you haven’t got any of the zip files, please let us know.
The hotel-resort-pro theme is a premium version theme and hotel-resort-pro-child theme is a child theme.
If you have successfully completed theme installation, follow the below steps to get the demo content on your homepage.
1. Create Page to set template: Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New Page. Label it “home” or anything as you wish. Then select template “home-page” from template drop-down. Check screenshot:
2. Set the front page: Go to Setting -> Reading –> Set the front page display static page to home page. Check screenshot:
It will show the demo content on the home page. Then customize it from the Appearance -> Customize -> LT Settings
For further customization check out our documentation
If you got stuck somewhere then send us the query. If you want we can set up your theme, make a user for us assign administrator role and send us the username and password along with the URL at