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Problem Uploading file

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Home Support Academic Education Problem Uploading file

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    I just purchased Academic Education Pro.

    After following the instructions to download it as a new theme I got this message:”The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.”

    What should I do?

    Shop Manager

    Hi Kcrowell,

    It’s a common error and it can be easily fixed. This error message is an indication that the file you are trying to upload is larger than your web host allows (WordPress default file upload size is 2 MB).

    A solution is easy, you need to increase the file size upload limit. You can ask your web host support team to increase the file size limit.

    If you don’t want to do that, you can simply upload the theme files and plugin to their respective folders by accessing your server via Cpanel or the FTP.

    Login to your Cpanel -> File Manager -> Public HTML -> Find the folder in which you have installed the WordPress -> Go to /wp-content/themes and upload the themes there and extract the zip file.

    For plugins go to /wp-content/plugins and upload the plugins there and extract the zip file.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.


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