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  • #12328
    Joan Monen

    There’s no explanation of the PRODUCT SECTION in the document page. I would love to know how the Product Shortcode works for the right column in the section.

    Shop Manager


    For product section follow below steps,

    First you need to upload and activate woo-commerce plugin

    After activating plugin, woo-commerce appears on the dashboard.

    For adding product, Go to Dashboard >> Products >> Add new

    Add product here.

    If you want to add category on product then

    Go to Dashboard >> Products >> categories >> Add new

    Create category here and assign to product.

    Many Thanks

    Hugh Foster

    I have done the above for adding products but I would like to add selected product shortcode into the product section window so it can show on the right like in your demo. You have a product shortcode in this section already (showing my first 4 products which I added) but I want to be able to change and add my own productsin this section. How do I do this as your documentation does not say how to change or add the product shortcode.


    Shop Manager


    Can you please elaborate with the help of a screenshot so that we can provide you a better solution?

    Many Thanks

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