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pull down menus need color + remove slider arrows

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Home Support Academic Education pull down menus need color + remove slider arrows

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  • #1624
    Beth Hudson

    1 I have a dark photo as a slider and the pull down menus are transparent until I hover over them. I would like to make them a color to have them easy to read.

    2. Since I only have one image on the “Slider” portion, can I remove the arrows?

    3. What’s the best way to change the Header Icon? I put new link from, but it does not change.

    thank you

    Shop Manager


    Thank You for choosing us!

    Kindly provide us the Site URL to review so that we could provide you a solution.

    Thank You

    Beth Hudson

    It is not a live site, yet. Can I send it to you privately through email? Thanks.

    Beth Hudson

    Ok, figured out #1 – color of the pull down menu. – Customize/theme/header section/menu drop down background color

    Still need #2 and #3 questions answered ๐Ÿ™‚

    Adding: #4: Remove date and counters at bottom of “Popular Courses” boxes

    thank you

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Beth Hudson.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Beth Hudson.
    Shop Manager

    Yes, please send us the site Url and credentials if the site is not live make a user for us assign administrator role and send us the username and password along with the Site URL at

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Shop Manager.
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