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Theme Options
Nursery School Free WordPress Theme
There are many nursery schools out there; in fact you can find one in every alternate lane in your neighborhood. But for people to enroll their toddlers in your nursery school requires extra effort on your part. If your nursery school or kindergarten has an online presence with useful information on it, you are definitely going to be more talked about than without it.
The easiest way to create an online presence is by opting for Nursery School WordPress Theme. It is quick to install super easy to maintain. As soon as you decide that you want to go with this theme, you can install it within minutes and you can start posting and sharing information online.
Nursery School themes designed by us perform better if they are designed to exude a special energy! The design, layout, header, and images are created to attract parents, guardians, grandparents, everyone!
For people owning or planning to start a kindergarten can find many interesting Nursery School WordPress Theme options designed by experts. Nursery School WordPress Theme is always easy to manage, and will allow you to focus completely on growing your nursery school instead of worrying about learning new technology to maintain your online presence.
The layout and navigation of Nursery School WordPress Theme has been designed to create a proper flow of information that parents will be looking for while searching for a good nursery school or kindergarten for their babies.
The background and text colors, font face, font size, everything is chosen and designed to be in sync with the theme. You can add or edit content, change images, colors and replace one image with another yourself without any difficulty. The theme can be viewed in its original format whether the user is using mobile phone, laptop, MacBook or any other device. Likewise irrespective of the browser your user views the theme on, he or she will not have to deal with distorted images or imbalance. In short, Nursery School WordPress Theme is all devices and all browsers compatible.
It’s a single page theme responsive theme divided into four sections and select customizable panel options to publish content. Nursery School WordPress Theme is Woo Commerce compatible. This means it offers payment gateways (safe and secure) through which you can make and receive online payments.
Nursery School WordPress Theme also offers scope to place your official social media icons for visitors to click and reach your social media pages handles.

Theme Features
Sticky Header
Search for course
Parallex Images
Academic Gallery Plugin
Courses Posttype with meta filed
Testimonial Posttype
Faq posttype
Video Popup
Newsletter section
About Widget
Social Icon Widget
Footer and Primary Menu location
Shortcode for testimonial, Courses, courses with categories, gallery, Faq
Making Process
We Address Challenges Related
To Creative Processes
Instantly get the theme with a single click
Install and activate the theme in seconds. No complicated setup.
Easy Setup
Customize easily with friendly options. Launch website without any coding!

WordPress Themes
Classy Features

Responsive Layout

1920 x 1080px
Desktop Screen

1024 x 768px
Tablet Screen

1360 x 768px
Laptop Screen