Banner Slider

SEO Ready

Fully Responsive

Woocommerce Support


Theme Options
Mobile repair shop WordPress theme is a treasure for those who want to establish their business online. The theme is perfect for appliance repair, computer repair, computer service, electronics repair, and many other electronics services businesses. It comes with all the necessary and powerful plugins that provide highly efficient and impressive capabilities. However, this is also ideal for its speed and 24 hours support. Creating a website in today’s world is a must; to create it, this theme will help the users in every way. The developers of this mobile repair shop WordPress theme are dedicated to their work.
Users can easily customize the mobile repair shop WordPress theme according to their choice. Unlimited sliders, numerous templates for homepages, unlimited sliders, multiple unique features and functions such as woo commerce safe and optimized codes and font Google family as well as typography, amazing font icons, custom headers, backgrounds colors, and many more that it may not be enough to wrap the entire thing here. Even we’ve added a plethora of a number of additional options and customization options, for example, a Social Icon widget or shortcode, as well as different customizing options. Mobile repair shop WordPress theme has everything.

Theme Features
Sticky Header
Search for course
Parallex Images
Academic Gallery Plugin
Courses Posttype with meta filed
Testimonial Posttype
Faq posttype
Video Popup
Newsletter section
About Widget
Social Icon Widget
Footer and Primary Menu location
Shortcode for testimonial, Courses, courses with categories, gallery, Faq
Making Process
We Address Challenges Related
To Creative Processes
Instantly get the theme with a single click
Install and activate the theme in seconds. No complicated setup.
Easy Setup
Customize easily with friendly options. Launch website without any coding!

WordPress Themes
Classy Features

Responsive Layout

1920 x 1080px
Desktop Screen

1024 x 768px
Tablet Screen

1360 x 768px
Laptop Screen

375 x 667px
Mobile Screen

Mobile Repair Shop WordPress Theme
1 Year Free Support
- Free Installation & Setup
- Responsive Theme ( Mobile, Tablet, Desktop and etc )
- Latest WordPress version compatibility
- Unlimited Color Options
- Contact Form plugin Support
- Get fast and friendly customer support
- No coding knowledge required